
 WP No. Title Lead Beneficiary Type Expected Date
WP1 D1.2 MIBIREM_D1.2_Data Managment Plan version 1 UU DMP 31. Mar. 23
WP1 D1.6 MIBIREM Deliverable 1.6 Initial handbook for sampling_revised FINAL AIT Other 31. Mar. 23
WP2 D2.1 MIBIREM_D2.1_Lists of microbiome taxonomic diversity UHAS DATA 31. Oct. 23
WP2 D2.3 MIBIREM D2.3_Metagenome and transcriptome of the six most promising microbiomes CNRS DATA 31. Dec. 24
WP4 D4.2 APIs of modelling sub-modules UU Other 31. Dec.24
WP2 D2.4 List of pollutant-degrading bacteria and their functional genes UGENT DATA 28. Feb.25
WP5 D5.1 Guideline for safety assessment of microbiomes UGENT Report 31 Mar.25
WP6 D6.1 MIBIREM Report: How to conduct regulatory review for soil bioremediation TAUW Report 30. May.25
WP1 D1.3 Data management plan version 2 UU DMP 30. Sep.25
WP1 D1.4 Final handbook for standardised sampling AIT Report 30. Nov.25
WP4 D4.3 V1 Bioremediation prediction and decision tool software suite including documentation UU Other 30. Nov.25
WP6 D6.2 Policy recommendations to stimulate uptake of soil bioremediation TAUW Report 31. Dec.26
WP3 D3.1 Public collection of microbiome strains for soil bioremediation UGENT Other 31. Jan.27
WP3 D3.2 Public collection of bioremediation consortia UGENT Other 31. Jan.27
WP3 D3.3 Standard for microbiome conservation UGENT Report 31. Jan.27
WP4 D4.4 Validated bioremediation prediction tool plus final manual, benchmark examples and documentation UU DATA 31. Jan.27
WP6 D6.3 MIBIREM Guide to Bioremediation AIT Report 31. Jan.27
WP6 D6.4 MIBIREM Policy Brief RTDS Report 31. Jan.27
WP1 D1.5 Data management plan final version UU DMP 31. Mar.27
WP5 D5.5 MIBIREM Summary report on Field Testing SENSA Report 31. Mar.27