The 20 latest Blog Posts
- Lindane and other HCH Biodegradation: Recent Advances and Research Highlights
- ALL4BIOREM- the EU Projects Bioremediation cluster in new light
- MIBIREM Handbook for soil and groundwater sampling
- European Mission Soil Week 2024: A Step Towards Healthier Soils
- MIBIREM at Technology Talks Austria 2024: Harnessing AI and Bioremediation for a Sustainable Circular Economy
- A Recap of the 3rd MIBIREM Consortium Meeting in Prague
- EU Bioremediation Cluster Calls for Urgent Action in Environmental Biotechnology Research
- MIBIREM at the Circular Economy Summit 2024: Pioneering Bioremediation for a Sustainable Future
- Upcoming Event: EU Bioremediation Projects Cluster Workshop at BioBio 2024
- Soil Sampling for Degrading Microbiomes Complete
- Nature-based: new opportunities in soil remediation
- Advancements in lab work thanks to new robot for soil DNA analysis
- European Culture Collections’ Organisation ECCO- platform for bioremediation
- Soil Mission Week: Connecting People to Soil Health
- Testimonial from the Bioremediation Symposium Battelle in the US
- Second MIBIREM project meeting marks successful end to the first project year
- Bioremediation best practice sharing at the first cluster workshop
- First hydrocarbon soil and water sampling in Brittany, France: the story behind
- BioRemid2023 – EU Bioremediation Projects Cluster Workshop
- HCH contaminated soils and nature-based solutions for site cleaning