BioRemid2023 – EU Bioremediation Projects Cluster Workshop

MIBIREM is among the co-organisers of the EU Bioremediation Projects Cluster Workshop that will take place alongside the GREENER Project H2020 conference as a satellite event of the BioRemid2023 on 28 June in FHNW Campus Muttenz, in Switzerland. This workshop is organized by 7 ongoing and recently ended projects working on bioremediation: SYMBIOREM, MIBIREM, BIOSYSMO, Nymphe, ELECTRA, EiCLaR and GREENER. The aim of the workshop is to share knowledge about innovative bioremediation techniques for cleaning up the environment in Europe.

Register here: 28th of June 2023 14:00 – 17:30 CET – hybrid event


Bioremediation as a nature-based solution for the environment

Bioremediation helps to create healthier soils, clean up groundwater and improve air quality. Unlike conventional remediation technologies, bioremediation offers an environmentally friendly approach to remove contaminants from the environment. It draws on natural processes and uses microorganisms (e.g. bacteria, fungi, algae) to remediate the environment without damaging delicate ecosystems. As a clean, cost-efficient, and green strategy, bioremediation plays a key role in meeting Europe’s zero pollution ambitions.

Benefits of attending the Workshop

In this first workshop of the EU bioremediation project cluster, Horizon Europe and Horizon 2020 bioremediation projects come together to present their innovative bioremediation solutions to clean up Europe’s environment. By relying on a broad range of cutting-edge, cross-cutting biotechnologies, they seek to address the highly complex and varied pollutant mixtures present in the soil and (ground)water of contaminated sites.

The workshop will kick-off with short presentations of the projects by the coordinators. The recently started Horizon Europe projects will give an outline on their planned bioremediation innovations, while the Horizon 2020 projects will share key outcomes of their projects. This will be followed by a technical discussion on the role of bioremediation in restoring Europe’s environment and helping it to meet its zero-pollution ambitions.

AGENDA BioRemid23 EU Projects Cluster Workshop



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  1. […] on 28 June 2023 as a satellite event of the BioRemid2023 Conference. This workshop was organized by 7 ongoing and recently completed EU-funded projects working on bioremediation with the aim of sharing knowledge and experiences about innovative […]

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